The first existence, the beginning of; the birth.
Not all young persons who tend to express themselves visually are fortunate enough to find an art institution to be their home. A place where they can freely nurture their inherent nature and begin to develop and combine in harmony, their innate forces of creation. The institution becomes a space from which ‘anything primarily proceeds; the fountain; the spring; the cause; the occasion’.
Aaghaz, encompasses selected works of eleven fresh graduates from Shaheed Allah Bukhsh Soomro University of Art, Design & Heritages, (SABSU) previously known as the Central Institute of Art & Design (CEAD), Jamshoro. These works are of young artists who found a safe haven to foster their creative expression and have only just begun to develop a visual language of their own.
This collective platform showcases reflections of their direct and environmental concerns, with respect to the current times and in the context of the challenges faced during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The works have a sense of self-exploration that pushes through material and technical constraints. Throughout history, extensive research has proven that Art is a form of healing and recuperation. It offers comfort and rehabilitation, especially during times
of stress. Each young practitioner is dispensing with their own distinctive trepidation to unite as a group with a collective thought process. The resulting meaningful and substantive work allows audiences to be educated in the concerns directing contemporary practitioners, stepping out into the current climate. As the curator, I anticipate a domino effect that will encourage urgently needed patience into multiple perspectives, in the present scheme of life.
Nurayah Sheikh Nabi

From The Series ‘Black Hands White Earning’ III 2021
Charcoal on Canvas
22 x 28 inches
From The Series ‘Black Hands White Earning’ II 2021
Charcoal on Canvas
24 x 18 inches
From The Series ‘Black Hands White Earning’ I 2021
Charcoal on Canvas
48 x 96 inches