Arif Hussain Khokkhar (b.1985 in larkana, Pakistan)
MA (HONS) VISUAL ARTS 2017 from National College of Arts, Lahore. Graduated in painting, from National college of Arts 2007. Awarded as best category of young artist consecutive thrice in 5th “Refreshed” 2009, 6th “new-s Item” 2010, 7th Red Hot, 2011, at Alhamra Arts Council Lahore. Exhibited solo, two person, three person and group exhibitions, couple of solo exhibitions such as“ Between the lines at Chawkandi Art Gallery Karachi, 2013. Got published Nigha art magazine. “ Line makes you see the drawing at Nomad Art Gallery Islamabad, 2012. Thrice of two person exhibitions, “Within Without” at Koel Art Gallery Karachi,2012. “Cascading Lines” at Rohtas2 Art Gallery Lahore, 2011 “ Untitled” at Drawing Room/Taseer Art Gallery, Lahore, 2010. Three person “ Line and length” at Chawkandi Art Gallery Karachi 2016. Participated in various Group Exhibitions, Fattah Je Assey Passey, a Green Cardamom Project at V.M Art Gallery Karachi & Sindh Museum Hyderabad, Sindh, 2010, its publication also become one of 12 notable volumes of the world and exhibition got published in Nukta art Magazine of Pakistan. Reverbrating Sounds Echo through the desert at Koel Art Gallery Karachi, 2014. “Mein” at Koel Art Gallery Karachi,2011. Art fest at frere Hall with the collaboration of Canvas Art Gallery and Vasl Organization Karachi, 2014. Other Asia & Shanakht Festival Redo Pakistan project at Karachi Arts Council & Lahore Arts Council, London Arts Council, 2009. Wind Mill Art Gallery Exhibition Paris, 2008.
Attended Workshops of Restoration & Conservation of Sadequain Mural Supervised by Maninder Singh Gill and Sri Kumar Menon India, Lahore Museum, 2009. Ceramic Workshop at National College of Arts, Lahore, with Gopal Kalapremi Shrestha Nepal, 2017. “ Shroud” A short tele film,Worked as an actor in 2006.
Collection of art works at well know art collectors within Pakistan and abroad, dubai, London, usa, paris.
Publications, Fattah je aassey passey, Nukta art, Nigh art magazine. Redo Pakistan news paper. Dawn news papers. The news, Daily times, Friday times etc.