It is commonly understood that the point of creating lies in the satisfaction of building something till it reaches completion. While in the process of creating work, one can often sense its pre-determined end point. However, the decision as to which point a work is deemed ‘complete’ is a deeply subjective one.
My work explores the satisfaction that lies beyond completion, through a reversal or distortion of the process of making and, at times, placing the self within it. Thus, the work continuously transforms and the process of creating becomes endless.
By applying numerous recycling processes, I bring forth the emptiness of presence through the absence of completion. Rebuilding through defacing, I process the formation of deformation. In this lies the pleasure of its own destructive appearance and the understanding that the resulting ruin is its true face.
Arif Hussain Khokhar

Accidental Remnants, 2019
Oil paint and suresh (glue) on canvas
4 x 18 feet
Pleasant Remnants, 2020
Pigments and mehndi on canvas
2 x 3 feet
3 x 4 feet
Spread Remnants 1, 2020
Pigments, water and pastels on canvas
2 x 4 feet
Spread Remnants 2, 2020
Pigments, water and pastels on canvas
2 x 4 feet
Spread Remnants 3, 2020
Pigments, water and pastels on canvas
2 x 4 feet
Spread Remnants 4, 2020
Pigments, water and pastels on canvas
2 x 4 feet
Spread Remnants 5, 2020
Pigments, water and pastels on canvas
4 x 4 feet
Spread Remnants 6, 2020
Pigment and water on canvas
4 x 6 feet
Natural Remnants 1, 2020
Charcoal, pastels and suresh (glue) on canvas
4 x 8 feet 6 inches
Natural Remnants 2, 2017
Charcoal on canvas
4 x 8 feet
Natural Remnants 3, 2017
Charcoal and suresh (glue) on canvas
6 feet 4 inches x 7 feet 8 inches
Natural Remnants 4, 2020
Pigments and water on canvas
10.7 x 10.7 inches
Natural Remnants 5, 2020
Pigments and water on canvas
10.7 x 10.7 inches
Natural Remnants 6, 2020
Pigments and water on canvas
10.7 x 10.7 inches
Natural Remnants 7, 2020
Pigments and water on canvas
10.7 x 10.7 inches
Natural Remnants 8, 2020
Pigments and water on canvas
10.7 x 10.7 inches
Natural Remnants 9, 2020
Pigments and water on canvas
10.7 x 10.7 inches
Removed Remnants 1, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 2, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 3. 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 4, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 5, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 6, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 7, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
7 x 10 inches
Removed Remnants 8, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
7 x 10 inches
Removed Remnants 9, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 10, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 11, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 12, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
14.5 x 20 inches
Removed Remnants 13, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 14, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Removed Remnants 15, 2017
Pencil and eraser on paper
10 x 14.5 inches
Marks of Remnants 1, 2017
Oil paint on canvas
4 x 6 feet
Marks of Remnants 2 (I), 2020
Graphite pencil on paper
19 x 27 inches
Marks of Remnants 2 (II), 2020
Graphite pencil on paper
19 x 27 inches
Mark of Remnants 3, 2020
Oil paint, oil pastels and burnt stick on canvas
4 feet 5 inches x 4 feet 10 inches
Dead Remnants, 2020
Burnt wooden stick, charcoal, keekar glue and suresh (glue) on canvas
4 feet 11 inches x 8 feet 6 inches
Living Remnants, 2017
Charcoal and suresh (glue) on canvas
6 feet 4 inches x 7 feet 8 inches
Scratched Remnants 1, 2019
Emulsion paint and ink on canvas
6 feet 6 inches x 50 feet
Scratched Remnants 2, 2019
Emulsion paint and ink on canvas
6 x 32 feet
Born Remnant, 2019
Digital print on canvas
3 feet 6 inches x 4 feet
Born Remnant 2, 2019
Emulsion paint, charcoal and crayon on canvas
9 x 10 feet
Born Remnants 3, 2020
Oil paint and water on canvas
4 x 7 feet
Born Remnants 4, 2020
Oil paint, water and natural moisture on canvas
4 x 6 feet
Performative Remnants, 2020
Digital print on canvas
3 feet 4 inches x 5 feet
Making of Remnants, 2019
Charcoal, crayon and water on canvas
10 x 17 feet
Making of Remnants 2, 2019
Charcoal, crayon and emulsion paint on canvas
10 x 13 feet
Processed Remnants, 2019
Charcoal, crayon, oil paint and water on canvas
10 x 11 feet