Perhaps Time’s Definition of Coal is the Diamond
Perhaps Time’s Definition of Coal is the Diamond
Artist Statement
Black dust is my life scattered around me in form of Coal. The laboursall the day work and dig out coal in mines are directly connected to my soul. The dark black colour and sharp scratches on Coal attracted me to select that material for my Art work. I found this material much more convenient to express my feelings and thoughts. By mixing coal with pastels and other Art materials I have fixed some compositions to depict that life.
Artist Statement
The excitement and awe one feels at seeing in the mirror everyday intrigued me to explore the nature of reflections. To me, a mirror has been telling a lie since ages as when we see words in mirrors, we see them as inverted but when we see ourselves, and our mind usually gets tricked by the mirror. This very duality and spontaneity of the material make one ponder upon Plato’s theory of forms. Thus questioning the originality of the vision, the idea of illusion is the focus of my ongoing investigation. My current body of work is in digital form. It’s inspiration came from my own mirror works “confronting self “
I use a software developer to make a filter impression of my work in digital photoshop plugin so I use old masters from west n east painters paintings and make my version from it.

From the series – Black hands,white earning – 1
Charcoal on Canvas
36 x 48 inches
From the series – Black hands,white earning – 2
Charcoal on Canvas
18 x 24 inches
From the series – Black hands,white earning – 4
Charcoal on Canvas
20 x 36 inches
From the series – Black hands,white earning – 5
Charcoal on Canvas
36 x 48 inches
From the series – Black hands,white earning – 6
Charcoal on Canvas
18 x 24 inches
From the series – Black hands,white earning – 7
Charcoal on Paper
29 x 43 inches
Revisiting Salvadore Mundi
Archival print on paper
12 x 16.5 inches
Edition: 3/7
Revisiting Girl with Flower
Archival print on paper
12 x 16.5 inches
Edition: 4/7